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Our last week in Dallas was pretty hectic, with my talk at the Dallas Museum of Art on the 8th of January, the resurrection of Dreamyourtopia on the 10th at Centraltrak, dismantling the installation the next day, packing the overseas container with the whole project on the 12th, and last but not least packing our seven US months in suitcases and leaving on the 14th.

But all went pretty relaxed. The event on the 10th was a great success, with over 200 "immigrants", who needed to be processed, showing up with their filled out immigration forms and photos in hand. It was a challenge to translate the Dreamyourtopia installation from the surreal desert to the very urban environment of Dallas. But it worked surprisingly well, using the whole building and concentrating more on the theatrical than visual aspects.

Some pics here and in the image gallery of the Dreamyourtopia site.

And Charissa Terranova, director of the Centraltrak artist residency wrote a theoretical essay about the Dreamyourtopia project, which can be found on the 14+1 blog :

Yours Dreamingly and Jetlaggingly.


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