Transported all from the Continental Gin Building to my studio at Central Trak,
and layed the front of the skull out in the parking lot to see all at once and make the different parts fit seamlessly when painted.
But with temperatures above 100 Fahrenheit/ 40 Celsius a parking lot is not the place you want to use for painting. The tarmac to hot to kneel on, the wooden parts to hot to put your hand on and the water you're drinking has already evaporated before entering your body......

So I cleaned up the patio in front of my studio and moved all the parts inside. It's still hot, but at least shaded.

Lots and lots and lots of curvy lines to paint. And the color I'm using doesn't cover in one coat. Some call this kind of work meditative, some call it boring.......

But I'm finally getting almost there. When I finish these 4 panels, I'll have another 12 or so to go.
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