“False Space and Time of the Apartment”
Opening Reception: Saturday, April 19, 7-9 pm
Exhibition dates: April 19 - June 16, 2008
Gallery hours: Wed. - Sun., 11 am- 5 pm
Featuring work by 10 U.S. and European artists, the show takes its title from J. G. Ballard’s 1969 novel Love and Napalm: Export U.S.A. A chronicler of the urban imagination, Ballard gives voice to Centraltrak. Taking its cue from the novel’s media-scape, the inaugural show is spatially bold and ambiguous, with work that is neither art nor architecture but somewhere in between. Projects will be shown by the San Francisco architecture firm Anderson and Anderson Architects, Dutch artist Dadara, Dallas sculptors and installation artists Lily Hanson and Tim Stokes, Houston installation artists Dean Ruck and Dan Havel, French architect Nathalie Wolberg, and German sculptor and installation artist Stefan Eberstadt.
Central Trak Gallery, 800 Exposition Avenue, Dallas , TX 75226