
dreamyourtopia @ pechakucha

22nd of April I'll be talking about Dreamyourtopia at the Pecha Kucha night in Amsterdam @ Mediamatic


Going into Hibernation

The Checkpoint Dreamyourtopia project went into Hibernation and will emerge later this summer again, appearing at the Lowlands Festival, 21st, 22nd and 23rd of August 2009.

You can already start preparing yourself by downloading the immigration form from http://www.dadara.nl/checkpoint/immigration-forms.htm , filling it out and mailing it to the Department of Dreamland Security. Dutch forms will be available in the future as well :-)

In the meantime check the "Spacecraft 2 More Fleeting Architecture and Hideouts" , which features the Checkpoint alongside many other cool projects. link

For now I'm concentrating on my Upcoming Guantanamo Brain exhibition at Famous in Amsterdam, starting the 2nd of May.