



ANother 48 hours

the skull almost finished, started working on the walls and the photobooth has arrived.......


2nd Day in the Pool



On the cover of the Modart Times

The Modart Times newspaper will be especially published for the Urban Art week in Berlin, starting the 16th of October and its whole frontpage is devoted to the Checkpoint.

Berlin, here we come!

Download the newspaper here .


Dreamyourtopia presentation at Pecha Kucha online

For those that have missed it in Berlin, you can follow the presentation here:


25th of September: Dreamyourtopia at Pecha Kucha Berlin

Dadara will present Checkpoint Dreamyourtopia at the Pecha Kucha Night in IMA Design Village, Ritterstrasse 12-14 ,10969 Berlin - Kreuzberg , on the 25th of September starting 8.20 PM



Dreamyourtopia in Berlin

Just returned from Berlin, where I'll build and destroy the Checkpoint inside a swimmingpool in November!


Back from the Lowlands festival

It was a huge success, so we're tired but satisfied.
On Saturday it would take 3 hours, just to get into the checkpoint......
Above are some pictures.
Obviously camera's used to take pictures would be confiscated.
So not many pictures have been taken inside.

some pictures from outside can be found at


Nederlandse Immigratieformulieren online

Immigratieformulier WXRZYQ SFG 23587-492 A is nu ook verkrijgbaar in het Nederlands als Immigratieformulier WXRZYQ SFG 23587-492 B. Voor diegenen die naar Lowlands gaan en een Droom Paspoort willen bemachtigen is het aan te raden om het desbetreffende formulier vooraf te downloaden en in te vullen via : http://www.dadara.nl/checkpoint/immigration-forms.htm

Het vooraf invullen van het formulier en geregistreerd staan op Lowlands zal de grensprocedures aanzienlijk vergemakkelijken en verkorten en is dus zeer aan te raden.

Namens de Department of Dreamland Security

S. Smith, Esq.
Orwell, Kafka & Associates, P.C.
1746 Wasteland, Suite 7564
Utopia, D.C. 10016


Dreamyourtopia movie screening 15th of June in Amsterdam

On the 15th of January there'll be a screening of footage from the Dreamyourtopia project during Burning Man with Dadara and Peter Wingender from Screentime, who's directing the documentary movie project about it all.

All will happen in possibly the smallest theater of Amsterdam; het Parool Theater
Sint Pieterspoortsteeg 33
1012HM Amsterdam
Tel: 020-5584444


Art Car Parade in Houston

After the opening of my Guantanamo Brain exhibition and after putting a Bomb Bird on a roof in the center of Amsterdam. I left for Houston, Texas, where the Dreamyourtopia Borderpatrol car was part of the annual art car parade, with almost 300.000 spectators.


dreamyourtopia @ pechakucha

22nd of April I'll be talking about Dreamyourtopia at the Pecha Kucha night in Amsterdam @ Mediamatic


Going into Hibernation

The Checkpoint Dreamyourtopia project went into Hibernation and will emerge later this summer again, appearing at the Lowlands Festival, 21st, 22nd and 23rd of August 2009.

You can already start preparing yourself by downloading the immigration form from http://www.dadara.nl/checkpoint/immigration-forms.htm , filling it out and mailing it to the Department of Dreamland Security. Dutch forms will be available in the future as well :-)

In the meantime check the "Spacecraft 2 More Fleeting Architecture and Hideouts" , which features the Checkpoint alongside many other cool projects. link

For now I'm concentrating on my Upcoming Guantanamo Brain exhibition at Famous in Amsterdam, starting the 2nd of May.