
Checkpoint Dreamyourtopia in the desert

The Department of Dreamland Security has finished setting up Headquarters and has already processed hundreds of forms and issuing Passports to the Land of Dreams.

Next Sunday we'll start dismantling and will start getting ready to move back to the real world......


Almost ready

Great weather ( more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit, but a few weeks Dallas got me used to that ) , no dust storms and a great crew make for good progress on the project, so we might be up and running by Monday as planned.


First days in the desert

The Department of Dreamland Security has arrived in the desert last Sunday, set up camp and has been building and painting really hard. Hot weather, but somehow we're lucky that our spot out in the open doesn't get hit by the dust storms that do frequent a big part of the rest of the Burning Man Area. The Dream Gods must be with us.

Walls are up and being covered with grey paint and by tomorrow the main skull entrance should be ready. Then still the interrogation house, barb wire, CCTV and we'll be ready to start protecting your and our dreams.

And we now have our own bar as well for some after work hour relaxing......

We'll try to keep you all posted again in a few days live from the desert if satellite internet and weather permit!


Leaving for the desert

The Department of Dreamland Security has left for the desert.
But no matter where we are, we'll always keep a close eye on your Dreams.
Big Dreamer will keep watching you.

As a courtesy to our Dream customers we'll try to give you a small insight into our procedures by updating this blog occasionally from the desert, so stay tuned........

Sweet Dreams


On our way to Burning Man - New Mexico

After a long and hectic working period in Dallas all has been packed and we returned to George Heidweiller's studio in New Mexico after our initial American Dream Odyssey started here as well in April. Surveillance camera system is now operational, combat fatigues ready, car customized, passports being printed, sanding, drilling, hammering and more brain painting of course. More people flying in from Amsterdam. No sleep. No time to dream anymore. But hopefully enough time to make this Dream come true........

On our way to Las Vegas tomorrow.


Getting ready to go

The Dreamyourtopia Borderpatrol Car is ready to hit the road and the Passports have gone to print. Still 4 days before the roadtrip adventure will commence.........